Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors are the backbone of the Credit Union.
Syracuse Fire Department Credit Union’s Board of Directors establishes the credit union’s direction by adopting policies that set a strategic direction for the organization and provide overall framework.
Meet The Board
Steven McGraw, Chairman (since 2014)
David Munski, Vice-Chairman (since 2009)
Alan VanDonsel, Secretary (since 2010)
Michael Monds, Treasurer (since 2012)
Robert Whitehead, Director (since 2010)
John T. Cowin, Director (since 1985)
Daniel Andrews, Director (since 2024)
Roxane Bowering, CEO (since 2023)
The Board of Directors serves voluntarily on behalf of the members. Our current board consists of active and retired Syracuse Firefighters. Each board member sits on one of our committees such as Supervisory, Nominating, Building, and Asset Liability Management. Their combined experience gives them the proper knowledge to understand our member’s needs.
General Duties
The Board of Directors is responsible for the general direction and control of a federal credit union. They must carry out their duties in good faith, in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best intereste of the membership. Not only is a Director expected to administer the affairs of the credit union fairly and impartially, but they must have a working familiarity with basic finance and accounting practices. They also must direct the operations of the federal credit union in conformity with the Federal Credit Union Act, NCUA’s Rules and Regulations, other applicable laws, and sound business practices.
Financial Skills
A Director must have a certain base level of financial skills, consistent with the size and complexity of the credit union operation they serve. At a minimum, Directors must have the ability to read and understand the credit union’s balance sheet and income statement. A Director must also understand the specific activities in which their credit union engages, in particular, how these activities generate revenue and the various risks that could lead to financial loss.
In addition to the duties listed above, a Director is required to attend monthly meetings and participate in sub-committees as needed. Serving as a Director includes the ability to give back to your community and work with likeminded individuals towards a common goal. Being on the Board of Directors gives someone the ability to build their career and leadership skills as well as become a better decision maker.
Meet our Directors!
Steve McGraw, Chairman
Steve has been on our Board of Directors since 2014
David Munski, Vice-Chairman
Dave has been on our Board of Directors since 2009
Alan VanDonsel, Secretary
Alan has been on our Board of Directors since 2010
Michael Monds, Treasurer
Mike has been on our Board of Directors since 2012
Robert Whitehead, Director
Bob has been on our Board of Directors since 2010
John T. Cowin, Director
John has been on our Board of Directors since 1985
Daniel Andrews, Director
Dan has been on our Board of Directors since 2024